Online Smart Energy Supply Chain Database
It has been recognized that there is a need for more detailed information on the export potential and opportunities of businesses in the smart energy sector. To address that need, SGIN has launched an Atlantic Smart Energy Supply Chain Export Database for product and services companies of Atlantic Canada’s Smart Energy sector.
The Atlantic Smart Energy Supply Chain Online Database was designed as a tool to support industry growth by connecting Canada’s smart energy expertise with capability needs across Canada. Starting in Atlantic Canada, we hope to grow and expand the database to include all smart energy companies nationally.
Explore Atlantic Canada’s smart energy companies and find capabilities such as consulting, project engineering and IT, project software and design, ongoing outsourcing and management, education and training, research and development, smart energy strategic advice, storage, loads, non-emitting generation, control devices, control and protection, operations, security, software and simulations, data analytics and modeling, communications, and smart energy operators on the online database here.
We encourage you to add your company to the Smart Energy Supply Chain Export Database. You do not need to be a Smart Grid Innovation Network Canada member to have your company included in the online supply chain database.