In 2021, Smart Grid Innovation Network Canada took stock of the opportunities presented to the organization and realized that it had the chance to play a stronger role in supporting the energy transformation. Smart grid market, regulatory, technology, workforce and business model needs have shifted, opportunities have opened up on a national scale, and SGIN Canada is poised to leverage the work done since its inception. The original founding members – NB Power, Siemens, and University of New Brunswick remain involved and have been instrumental in launching SGIN Canada to serve broad smart grid market needs across the country.
In order to take advantage of this new direction for the organization, SGIN Canada engaged the Pond-Deshpande Centre at UNB in early 2021 to assist in the development of this organizational roadmap to take the organization into its next level of development. SGIN Canada engaged with stakeholders in the development of the roadmap.
SGIN Canada will leverage its strengths in its business model and its members, aligned with a strong social purpose, to provide membership value and address societal needs federally and locally. We will execute the fundamental facets of managing and growing the organisation well, and follow the below structure and best association management practices. To download the 2022-2026 Roadmap, please click here.