News Release: Calling all those interested in smart energy implementation in Canada
Calling all those interested in smart energy implementation in Canada:
SGIN’s progress as a national entity has certainly improved in 2022 and we are excited for the development and growth we see for 2023.
The Smart Grid Innovation Network Canada (SGIN) is a network of leaders in the Canadian smart energy sector. By fostering Canada’s transition to clean energy, we will help build stronger, more resilient communities and a sustainable future.
We welcome Government, Academia, Research Institutions, NGO & Industry Associations, Vendors & Suppliers, Utilities & System Operators, Municipalities, and Students to join our community or continue to engage with us as existing members of SGIN.
Few people or organizations to date have a complete understanding of the holistic energy shift we need to face, address, and implement in order to reach net zero and beyond and reduce the worst outcomes of our induced climate change. This requires that we work together as a community, gathering our strengths and the knowledge that is critical to accelerating this process.
SGIN is focused on enabling and supporting smart energy implementations across the nation and encompasses several key initiatives to support this very critical implementation process as effectively as possible. SGIN is working on several initiatives that underpin the enablement we require, including:
- National utility benchmarking study to assess net zero progress at an appropriate, equivalent fashion
- Building out a vendor/supply chain database for the industry
- Creating national opportunities for trade, both to increase and support importing solutions to Canada and for exporting our strengths globally
- Creating national business opportunities and projects for our Members to partner and advance
- SGIN continues to support technology vendors in evaluating the readiness of their solution, utilities in implementing beneficial electrification programs and governments in advancing clean energy policies.
- Establishing an Associate Program to encourage SGIN Members to co-create and collaborate (and benefit from the results) as we bring real projects to life.
- Establishing a Community Electrification Implementation program that helps communities taking the initial steps for carbon reduction to have expertise accessible to advance their implementations.
- Curating knowledge and understanding to support better decision making, reduce friction to implement and increase adoption
- Building partnerships both nationally and globally that support increased assessment and adoption of solutions for rapid implementation and deployment
- Building communities of practice to erode the issues we face to accelerate implementation including interoperability standards alignment
- We have several collaborative projects underway and more in development, across private sector, NGOs, and Provincial and Federal departments. Several Trade Missions and a fall conference are in planning – providing invaluable market intel, domain understating, knowledge and practice sharing and trade opportunities.
These and many more undertakings are underway. SGIN is a lean, nationally focused organization and leverages every dollar towards these types of initiatives. We are supported by Members and work to support and help advance our Members.
In 2023 we ask that you become an SGIN Member.
For existing Memberships – thank you for your support and please renew your membership.
Much appreciated,
Smart Grid Innovation Network Canada